Hello priests.

My first post here is kind of a continuation of our former member Cosby’s post + an addition regarding enchants and loot.


Until Zul gurub is released  the “Lesser mana oil”, is the best thing you can bring for now.

Major mana potion. Stack up on these. You never know how many you need but always carry some extra. (Personally for raids I carry 20+)

Nightfin Soup is the food we use and if you can’t make it yourself I can.

Greater Fire protection Potions, bring em! This is a instant “heal” in cases where manapot isn’t a more sufficient use, for instance Vael.

Dark/Demonic runes. Since they don’t share cd with mana potions always good to use.

For chrommagus and BWL it is also nice to carry “Limited Invulnerability potion” and “Restorative Potion”.

This is basicly a must have list for BWL, and we will notice if you have it or not.


Head +8 healing/dmg (Libram of Focus)

Cloak +5 all resist (Joffi can do this one)

Chest +4 all stats (Kedde can do this) or +100mana chest. (+4 all stats give 60 mana, +1healing from spirit and regen from 4 spirit.)

Bracers  +24 healing/4 mp5 (Balirix can do both) (+9 spirit is ok, but you should have +500 healing atleast for it be worth going spirit imo )

Gloves +Riding skill (Our best option until AQ40, not mandatory yet)

Legs +8 healing/dmg (Libram of Focus) (minimum req. Mana or Stats is fine aswell)

Feet +5 spirit/Minor speed increase (Speed increase can be nice in some fights)

Weapon +55 Healing

This is enchants that is mandatory to have when progressing in BWL regardless of gear and will be checked regulary, because this aslong with consumables is taken into consideration when distributing Loot! (As a core member, I will give out enchanting mats if available that I disenchant from raids .)



I guess some of you use decursive. For my personal preferance and recommendation I wouldn’t. If you’re raid frames are properly configured and you are familiar with it, it is better to not use it. My reasons for that is that you can dispel based on what you are assigned or find most useful at that moment. For instance if someone need the dispel earlier than another, you don’t have to worry about your priority list taking the wrong target. Another thing is that eventually dispell will be assigned, so I personally find it easier to not have a priority list to worry about.

Raidframes I use are LunaUnitFrames, which I switched to after using Grid all my life.

In the end, use what works best for you, aslong as you feel you get the job done as assigned.



As you know we have loot council. To explain it simple for newer members, we arrange loot in T1 and T2. T2 is reserved for core members, T1 is for members aswell. If you have a question about which loot is what just give me a whisper. (All BWL loot is T2 basicly, and the best from MC/ony).

We also share some loot with other healers.

Atm we are building set bonuses. Goal is to get everyone to 3-set Tier 2 bonus. We are doing nice progress in BWL, so it won’t take long. But basicly this means that those with 2 pieces have prio on the next piece etc. While this may seem unfair and some have to wait longer, you should know that we and I as current priest classleader will in these cases give the priests further behind prio on other loot. I keep track of what everyone gets/has gotten so that the council will be as fair as possible.

Loot council takes into consideration the performance, consumables and enchants used. Older members might get prio in some cases, but this shouldn’t happen to often.

If you have any doubts or questions please give me a whisper.



As our previous classleader wen’t AWOL, i’ve kinda gone from doing heals tactics and assignments to do the classleader job aswell. I (we) could do some improvement on the later part. I would like us to start using the channel Eccpriest more, this is a channel we had before, but kinda died out at some point. I wan’t us to be open, and that you can come with concerns to me or to the priest fellowship. This require participation of all of us and does help sort alot of things, aswell to discuss how to approach different situations, and give tips where needed. But as mentioned, this require us all to participate (as I might be busy with assignments and other officer stuff) to keep a good communication between us.

If there is anything you wan’t to discuss, im always open! And if you feel I missed something or wan’t to add something to this post, feel free to shout out, so I can add it!

Best Regards,
