
Eternal Corpse Council

Horde guild on Nostralius

New guild tabard!

As some people wanted a new guild tabard, we will let all members submit one suggestion and make a strawpoll on Sunday to decide which tabard to chose.

You can post your suggestion as a comment on this post with a picture/url with your tabard.

Only one submission per member.


Good luck!

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Loot and rank system.

We are using a Loot Council system with rolling in our raids. Some items might be given out without rolling.

Core member rank you are expected to:

Continue reading “Loot and rank system.”

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Addons required for raiding.

These addons are required for raiding.

Continue reading “Addons required for raiding.”

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Recruiting !

UncleSameAlreadyHasYou061314We are currently recruiting at least one of each class to get back up and running properly for the new year

HIGH = we need several of the class

Medium = we need one or 2 exeptional players

Low = we might need 1 exeptional player

  • Resto druid HIGH
  • Feral druid Medium
  • Hunter HIGH
  • Mage HIGH
  • Holy priest HIGH
  • Shadow Priest Low 
  • Resto shaman Medium
  • Warlock HIGH
  • Rogue Low
  • Prot warrior Medium
  • Fury warrior Medium

Contact Dånglebær or any other officer ingame if you have any questions


Hunter meeting two



Monthly hunter meeting, this was a great success with many slaps and plenty of pinnekjott!

Priest – General on Consumables, enchants and Loot


Hello priests.

My first post here is kind of a continuation of our former member Cosby’s post + an addition regarding enchants and loot. Continue reading “Priest – General on Consumables, enchants and Loot”

Hunter consumeables

As we are progressing further in BWL, consumeables will be far more key to our success. As such I’ve decided to clarify which consumeables you should use to maximize your performance as a hunter.

Continue reading “Hunter consumeables”

How to: TANK

Tips, tricks and stuff you all should know

First off, a tank has two main objectives in dungeons and raids:

  1. keeping mobs off other players (keeping aggro)
  2. surviving!

How do we do these two things? By utilizing the abilities and talents available to warriors, which make them great for both keeping mobs off other players, and mitigating the incoming damage.

Continue reading “How to: TANK”

Hunter meeting one

Post hunter meeting, best picture EU
Post hunter meeting, best picture EU

No explanation necessary, follow up meeting at 14th of November.

Warlock raiding specs

There are two acceptable raiding speccs for locks

Continue reading “Warlock raiding specs”

Druid talent builds

So you want be the boss…then spec like one. Continue reading “Druid talent builds”

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