There are two acceptable raiding speccs for locks


The points in the affliction tree are not set in stone but are more down to personal prefference. there are some talents tho that will affect your raid dps directly:

Improved life tap – less time spent lifetapping = more time spamming shadow bolts

Nightfall – For multiple targets this talent is king

Shadow Mastery


Allows the use of the Imp

Superior farming capabilities due to dots

Higher damage on fights with more than one target


Slightly lower single target dps


Here there are alot of variations that are possible but the specc in the link will give you the maximum dps for most fights. You can also skip all the points in the affliction tree and the extra points in destruction in order to get Master Demonologist which has it’s uses in pvp and some boss encounters.


Highest single target DPS

allows for threat reduction on threat sensitive fights (e.g. Broodlord)


No imp

Less efficient for grinding